Being born as a transgender is already a big challenge for them psychology and yet the society never stop giving trouble to them especially in Asian countries. Transgenders faces lots of discrimination, humiliation and hatred from the society including their parents and friends despite not their fault but the creator (God). Rather than saying it is a fault, I would say they are one of the diversity in his/her creation. In this huge world, are you expecting the concept of gender to be that simple? Not fair guys.
They are not given the job they asked for though they are qualified or a good health care indeed. Most of them ended up being a sex worker, club dancer and even a beggar in order to feed their stomach.
After all this, they are given penalty such as punishment of fines, public whipping, beatings, vigilante attacks, chemical castrations, prison time up to life, capital punishment and torture in the name of religion and God. Those who reject and hurt them in the name of God, please remember that no matter what religion you are in,your holy books and scriptures might be the word of God but not written by the God himself/herself. The book are also writen by a human like you and me. You have no rights to judge and punish anyone except the ALMIGHTY. After all, it is beyond religion, its about HUMANITY. The worst part of all is trans people are often seen as a sex object and become rape victims and yet the government doesn't have any law that favors the transgenders but FAVORS THE BEAST that is roaming around at the road with full of lust from head to toe.
Why the law that can take action when a female or male is abused can't do the same to a transgender? What they are lacking of? A vagina? Breast? A penis? Oh humans, they have the same flesh as us which will feel the pain when get abused and hurt. They have the same heart and soul that cries and suffers by dirty touch. No matter what genital they have it is no ones business and rights to touch them without their permission.
Humans are great but at times our stupidity and insanity makes no difference between us and ANIMALS. Our technology might get developed but sadly our mentality.. My words might seems rude but no matter you accept it or not, this is the UGLY TRUTH!!! Transgenders are push into depression and eventually commit suicide because of the words thrown by the society and the way society threats them.
Did you know 50% of the transgenders from all over the world commit suicide every year? However, I wouldn't say it is a suicide but a murder made by you and me. Imagine how broken they are that they are willing to face the dead but not the society. It is a shame on us. I am not saying that everyone in the society are evil but the problem comes when the right ones doesn't stood up for justice and sitting in one conner feeling sorry for the other one.
Note:I don't exaggerate anything.While we are busy here with tick tocks and reels, this is what happening in the other corner of the world.
My dear friend, brother and sister, if you started to realise that you can see some changes in your behavior and feelings (out of your control) where at some point you feel that you might be a trans person, pls don't get panic and isolate yourselves from the society in fear. Instead :
1) Do some test via online or read some article to know are you really a trans person or you just confused by some environmental factor. To know who you are feel free to do this quiz.
Born Female: Are you transgender?
Born male: Are you transgender?
Watch "How I knew I was Transgender" on YouTube
2) Learn about yourselves. Learn what is going on in you. Learn why you feel different. Learn why you are feeling uncomfortable with the norm in society? Self education is really important.
• The science behind transgender
• Watch "What is Transgender? Simply Explained" on YouTube
3) If you are 100% sure that you are a transgender, now its time to accept who you are and love yourselves because first of all you need to understand that you are not wrong at all but its something happen within your brain that is not under your control.
4) Be prepared mentally to face the challenges given by the society and motivate yourself by watching some motivational speech.
5) Have a discussion with your parents on how you feel and who you are. If they supports you, be really grateful for them and figure out next step in your life but if that is not your case you can talk to your friend you trust the most.
6) If you are living in Malaysia and you have no place to go as your parents and friends doesn't support and stand against you, you can definitely contact them👇 to have some support and move forward in your life.
LGBTQ+ in Malaysia (Coming Out) | DTAP Clinics KL & Petaling Jaya
Seed foundation
7) Don't ever sacrifice your studies for anything. Your education is your weapon to gain your rights as the other genders in the community. Besides this, you should be the inspiration and motivation for the other one. Use your education to change the lives of other transgender as well. One day, it should be a norm to see transgenders as a doctor, artist, teacher, police, actor, actress, soldier and even a prime minister. Nothing is impossible if you go for it.
Lastly, please don't never ever give up. Suicide is NOT a solution for you. Fight till the end to get what you deserve for. You are your biggest inspiration.No matter how many times you fall but make sure you get up again to make your life as an inspiration to others. Everyone born for a reason. YOU TOO. I know its easy to say not to give up but that's all I can say to you for now. Have a wonderful day. See you in next blog.